[Wesleyan edition]
Page iv (copyright page):
[Should contain the dedication, set up in the following manner
and centered in the remaining white space now on the page:]
Isaac Asimov,
Jean Marc Gawron,
Howard, Barbara,
David, Danny, Jeremy,
and Juliet Wise
Page v (currently the dedication page):
[Omit the dedication currently here; replace with the following quotation, centered top
and bottom, and printed in 8 point type:]
The social body constrains the way the physical body is perceived. The physical
experience of the body, always modified by the social categories through which it
is known, sustains a particular view of the society. There is a continual exchange
of meaning between the two kinds of bodily experience so that each reinforces the
categories of the other. As a result of this interaction, the body itself is a highly
restricted medium of expression . . . To be useful, the structural analysis of symbols
has somehow to be related to a hypothesis about role structure. From here, the
argument will go in two stages. First, the drive to achieve consonance in all levels of
experience produces concordance among other means of expression, so that the use
of the body is co-ordinated with other media. Second, controls exerted from the social
system place limits on the use of the body as medium.
MARY DOUGLAS, Natural Symbols
Page vii (Contents page), Line 2:
On Delany the Magician: A Forward, by Kathy Acker ix
Page ix, title:
[Re-set the title, subtitle, and author lines as follows:]
Delany the Magician
A Forward
by Kathy Acker
Page xii, subscription line:
—San Francisco, 1996
Page xiv:
[Should be blank.]
Page 45, paragraph 3, line 2:
(Miriamne?), was dark, frizzy-haired, intelligent looking, and sullen.
Page 117, paragraph 8, line 2:
get two weeks off, starting tomorrow.”
Last update to this page made on 20 Aug 2008.